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catering led infinity board Rs5000

Catering led infinity board  have become a popular choice for events, blending functionality with aesthetic appeal. These counters, equipped with LED lighting, can transform a standard food service area into a vibrant and eye-catching display, enhancing the overall ambiance of any event. Here’s a detailed look at the factors affecting catering led infinity board  pricing and the general cost range you can expect.

Factors Influencing LED Catering Counter Prices

  1. Design and Size:
    • Standard vs. Custom Designs: Standard LED counters with basic designs are generally more affordable. Custom designs that incorporate unique shapes, additional features, or specific branding will drive up the cost.
    • Dimensions: Larger counters require more materials and LED components, increasing the price. A small, portable LED counter might cost less than a large, fixed installation.
  2. Materials and Build Quality:
    • Construction Materials: High-quality materials like stainless steel, tempered glass, and premium plastics can make the counters more durable but also more expensive.
    • LED Quality: Counters with high-end LED lights, which offer better brightness, color accuracy, and longevity, will cost more compared to those with basic LED strips.
  3. Technology and Features:
    • Lighting Features: Counters with programmable LEDs, multiple color options, and advanced control systems are pricier. Simple static lighting setups are less costly.
    • Additional Features: Built-in refrigeration, heating elements, or digital displays for menus and advertisements can significantly increase the price.
  4. Brand and Manufacturer:
    • Reputation and Reliability: Well-known brands with a reputation for quality and reliability often command higher prices. Lesser-known manufacturers may offer cheaper alternatives, but the quality and after-sales service might vary.
  5. Customization and Installation:
    • Level of Customization: Highly customized counters designed to fit specific event themes or branding requirements will be more expensive.
    • Installation Costs: Professional installation services, especially for large or complex setups, can add to the overall expense.

Price Ranges for LED Catering Counters

  1. Basic Models:
    • Portable LED Counters: Smaller, portable models typically range from $300 to $1,000. These are ideal for small events or vendors needing a mobile setup.
    • Standard Fixed Counters: Basic fixed counters with minimal customization and features usually cost between $1,000 and $2,500.
  2. Mid-Range Options:
    • Enhanced Design and Features: Counters in this range, costing between $2,500 and $5,000, often include better materials, more robust construction, and additional features like programmable lighting and basic branding options.
  3. High-End and Custom Models:
    • Premium and Custom Designs: High-end counters, which can range from $5,000 to $15,000 or more, offer extensive customization, advanced features, and superior build quality. These are often used in high-profile events or permanent installations in upscale venues.
    • Specialty Counters: Counters with integrated technology such as digital displays, sophisticated lighting systems, and high-quality materials can exceed $20,000, especially if they require custom design and professional installation.


Investing in an LED catering counter can significantly enhance the presentation and functionality of food service at events. While prices vary widely based on design, materials, features, and customization levels, understanding the factors that influence costs can help in making an informed decision that aligns with your budget and event needs. Whether opting for a basic model or a high-end custom design, LED catering counters offer a versatile and visually appealing solution for any event setup.


Author: Suhajo

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